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Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols

​​​Antigen retriever, immunohistochemistry, tissue sections, antigen recovery, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections, immunohistochemistry protocols



Advantages of Retriever
Retriever preserves tissue morphology

Thanks to its precisely calibrated pressure and heating cycle, the Retriever effectively avoids buffer boiling in the chambers, thus preventing the formation of air bubbles that can negatively impact tissue morphology. In the images below, we present a comparison of unprocessed intestinal tissue, tissue processed in a microwave (representing the standard result), and tissue processed using the Retriever. It is worth noting that even the mucus produced by intestinal cells remains fully unaffected, and the cells maintain their proper morphology. The cell walls and nucleus exhibit the same shape as seen in the unprocessed section.

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pepsin antigen retrieval, edta antigen retrieval, citrate buffer antigen retrieval, antigen retrieval techniques
antigen retrieval frozen sections, antigen retrieval citrate buffer, antigen retrieval citrate, sodium citrate antigen retrieval, immunohistochemistry antigen retrieval, epitope antigen, antigen retrieval buffer
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citrate buffer antigen retrieval,  antigen retrieval citrate buffer, immunohistochemistry ihc, ihc staining methods, ihc stain, ihc immunohistochemistry, ihc ihc, ihc antigen retrieval, ihc staining protocol, ihc staining
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formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue, formalin fixed, fixed in formalin
antigen retrieval immunohistochemistry, formalin fixed paraffin embedded, immunohistochemistry protocol, antigen recovery, antigen retrieval buffer, tissue sections
antigen unmasking, antigen retrieval solution, antigen retrieval protocol, antigen retrieval pressure cooker, antigen retrieval microwave, antigen retrieval methods, antigen retrieval immunohistochemistry
immunohistochemistry method, immunohistochemistry antigen retrieval, immunohistochemistry antibody, protocol immunohistochemistry, paraffin immunohistochemistry
immunohistochemistry staining protocol
epitope retrieval, antibody, tissue section, immunohistochemistry, paraffin, formalin, citrate buffer, antigen retrieval, pathology, ihc
trypsin antigen retrieval, proteinase k antigen retrieval, microwave antigen retrieval, heat mediated antigen retrieval, dako antigen retrieval solution, antigen unmasking solution

cell morphology after Retriever

This is a section of intestinal tissue fixed with formalin and embedded into paraffin

Processing the tissue in microwave-type machines results in damage of the morphology of the gentle tissues.

No damage to morphology occurs, however, after processing the tissue in Retriever, although the unmasking is usually better than after the microwave

paraffin tissue, paraffin staining, paraffin embedded tissue, immunochemistry staining, biogenex antibodies
tissue section, ihc staining methods, ihc staining, ihc stain, formalin fixed tissue, formalin fixed, fixed in formalin, epitope retrieval, citric buffer, paraffin embedded, antigen retrieval solution, antigen retrieval protocol,antigen retrieval microwave, antigen retrieval methods, antigen retrieval, what is antigen retrieval
pepsin antigen retrieval, edta antigen retrieval, citrate buffer antigen retrieval, antigen retrieval techniques
antigen retrieval frozen sections, antigen retrieval citrate buffer, antigen retrieval citrate, sodium citrate antigen retrieval, immunohistochemistry antigen retrieval, epitope antigen, antigen retrieval buffer
antigen epitope, antigen retrieval, ph 10 buffer, edta in buffer, edta buffer, citric buffer, citrate buffers
citrate buffer antigen retrieval,  antigen retrieval citrate buffer, immunohistochemistry ihc, ihc staining methods, ihc stain, ihc immunohistochemistry, ihc ihc, ihc antigen retrieval, ihc staining protocol, ihc staining
ihc protocols, ihc protocol paraffin, ihc protocol,ihc paraffin,introduction to immunohistochemistry, immunohistochemistry protocol paraffin,immunohistochemistry protocol,paraffin,paraffin tissue, paraffin staining, paraffin embedded tissue, paraffin embedded, immunohistochemistry protocol for paraffin embedded tissues, formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue, formalin fixed tissue
formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue, formalin fixed, fixed in formalin
antigen retrieval immunohistochemistry, formalin fixed paraffin embedded, immunohistochemistry protocol, antigen recovery, antigen retrieval buffer, tissue sections
antigen unmasking, antigen retrieval solution, antigen retrieval protocol, antigen retrieval pressure cooker, antigen retrieval microwave, antigen retrieval methods, antigen retrieval immunohistochemistry
immunohistochemistry method, immunohistochemistry antigen retrieval, immunohistochemistry antibody, protocol immunohistochemistry, paraffin immunohistochemistry
immunohistochemistry staining protocol
epitope retrieval, antibody, tissue section, immunohistochemistry, paraffin, formalin, citrate buffer, antigen retrieval, pathology, ihc
trypsin antigen retrieval, proteinase k antigen retrieval, microwave antigen retrieval, heat mediated antigen retrieval, dako antigen retrieval solution, antigen unmasking solution

Excellent Staining and Excellent Tissue Morphology

The unaffected morphology of tissues processed in the Retriever does not imply poor processing. As demonstrated in the images below, both cell surface antigens and nuclear antigens are effectively detected by antibodies. On the right side, you can observe a test staining of cervix tissue using an anti-E-cadherin antibody. Additionally, stainings for CD8, Ki67, and PCNA are displayed below. Different buffers, such as citrate, acid citrate, and EDTA, were used for these processes. Please take note of the preserved tissue morphology, as well as the intensity of staining without any noticeable background interference.

E-Cadherin (mAb)  

Stratified epithelium in the Cervix expressing E-cadherin, an intercellular adhesion molecule. Please notea strong and crisp staining at intercellular junctions.

E-cadgerin staining of FF/PE sectioms after processing in 2100 Retriever

​CD8 (mAb)

Infiltrating cytotoxic CD8+  T- cells were detected in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded section of human intestine after antigen unmasking in Retriever. Buffer B was used for processing.

​PCNA (mAb)

Marker for proliferating cells is shown for cells of human intestine. Note the morphology of the tissue that is completely unchanged by processing.

​Ki-67 (antibody MIB1)

Routine proliferation marker detected on formalin-fixed paraffin embedded section of human intestine. Please note the strong nuclear staining, extremely clean background (no non-specific binding of the antibody) and excellent morphology of the tissue including the preservation of the mucosal secret in the cells and undamaged membranes. Buffer A was used for processing.

The Retriever program has been created and is marketed by Aptum Biologics Limited. 


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